The power of data driven insights is undeniable, especially at a time when the health and care system is facing unprecedented pressure; workforce shortages, rising demand for services, financial austerity, and a need to think and work differently across organisational and professional boundaries

Establishment Genie is a health and social care workforce planning and review system. It offers a clear framework of data analysis and provides a consistent approach to workforce planning, benchmarking and evaluation  across all health and care services to enable data driven  decision making.

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What we do

Everything we do is designed to help you deliver your workforce priorities more effectively. We collaboratively plan with providers, commissioners, inspectors, and their clinical and corporate leaders on how care is delivered, who delivers it, and strategies for the future.

We enable workforce planning at the front line by providing data insights to:

  • Assure and challenge care levels with staff and the local leadership team
  • Identify unwarranted variation
  • Evidence professional judgement
  • Support ‘Key Lines of Enquiry’
  • Provide options for alternative models of care
  • Track the outcomes of successfully implemented workforce plans
  • Save time and money
Establishment Genie has identified £28 million in ‘safe’ cost savings for health and care organisations to date. By sharing the most innovative strategies, insights, expertise, and knowledge we improve quality and outcomes across the health and social care economy

In the context of historical overspends, the Genie proved we could transform our establishments and invest in a sustainable workforce within the current budget envelope and kick-start a three-year saving plan. We demonstrated a robust process, defended our care levels and gained buy-in from Execs, NEDs and corporate colleagues.

Deputy Director of NursingAcute NHS Foundation Trust

I had always viewed establishment review as a ‘tick-box’ exercise, with little opportunity to make changes that would really impact on care levels and quality. However, the process we have undertaken really helped to bring evidence to my professional judgement, and as a result we have increased staffing numbers at night on my ward, improved our patient and staff outcomes and reduced our costs –with the support of both clinical and non-clinical staff

MatronAcute NHS Foundation Trust

Establishment Genie was indispensable in planning and budgeting for our multi-site bed reconfiguration. We used the Genie to show how we can safely save over £1m as we redesign our medical and surgical workforce whilst adding supporting roles to improve flow, increasing Band 7 supervisory time and integrating the Band 4 role

Assistant Director of NursingAcute NHS Foundation

As the incoming Chief Nurse, I used the Genie to take stock of planned ratios, skillmix and CHPPD across acute and community sites, triangulate with SNCT, assess risk and prioritise where to focus first – in three days

Director of NursingNHS Foundation Trust

The Genie workshop was inspirational and has made me want to stay beyond retirement. It really gave us all a sense of leading the District Nursing Principles from the ground floor up and the exciting times that could be ahead of us

District Nursing Team LeaderHealth Board, NHS Wales

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